
94 lines
4.7 KiB

@echo off
::Shrink window in production builds!
::mode con: cols=65 lines=10
set "currentver=2.0.1"
TITLE Tackle Debug Console
echo checking version
curl -sL -o C:\Users\Public\Downloads\ver.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uncreativeCultist/TackleModManager/refs/heads/main/Storage/ver.txt >nul
set /p ver=<C:\Users\Public\Downloads\ver.txt
del /q C:\Users\Public\Downloads\ver.txt
if %ver%==%currentver% (
goto checklocation
) else (
echo DEBUG: uh oh, outdated version.
powershell -Command "& {Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('You are running an outdated version of Tackle! You are running %currentver% while the latest version is %ver%! Please check the Github Repo for an updated version!', 'Tackle Mod Manager v%currentver% - @uncreativecultist', 'OK', [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information);}"
goto checklocation
if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\WEBFISHING\" (
mklink /j "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\WEBFISHINGLINK" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\WEBFISHING"
echo DEBUG: creasting symlink because tar is stupid and can't handle spaces apparently
set "WFDIR=C:\Users\Public\Downloads\WEBFISHINGLINK"
goto verifypath
) else (
goto setup
echo DEBUG: webfishing isn't in the default steamapps folder
echo DEBUG: checking if we have a different spot saved...
if exist "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\bait.txt" (
echo DEBUG: yup, we do. using that
set /p WFDIR=<C:\Users\Public\Downloads\bait.txt
goto verifypath
) else (
echo DEBUG: nope, we don't. ask em for a location please
powershell -Command "& {Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic; [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox('Please enter your WEBFISHING path! Please make sure it starts with the drive letter, does NOT end with \', 'Tackle Mod Manager v%currentver% - @uncreativecultist')}" > C:\Users\Public\Downloads\bait.txt
echo DEBUG: cool, save that location for later please
set /p WFDIR=<C:\Users\Public\Downloads\bait.txt
goto verifypath
if exist "%WFDIR%\webfishing.exe" (
goto verifyweave
) else (
echo DEBUG: hmm, cant find webfishing here.
goto manualsetup
if exist "%WFDIR%\GDWeave\" (
goto main
) else (
powershell -Command "& {Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('It looks like you are missing GDWeave! Tackle will now automatically download and install GDWeave!', 'Tackle Mod Manager v%currentver% - @uncreativecultist', 'OK', [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information);}"
echo DEBUG: downloading GDWeave...
curl -sL https://github.com/NotNite/GDWeave/releases/latest/download/GDWeave.zip -o C:\Users\Public\Downloads\GDWeave.zip
echo DEBUG: GDWeave downloaded, time to install
tar -xf "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\GDWeave.zip" -C %WFDIR%\
echo DEBUG: GDWeave has been installed, continue on with your day
powershell -Command "& {Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('GDWeave has been successfully installed! Press OK to continue with mod installation.', 'Tackle Mod Manager v%currentver% - @uncreativecultist', 'OK', [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information);}"
echo DEBUG: cleanup time
del /q C:\Users\Public\Downloads\GDWeave.zip
goto verifyweave
powershell -Command "& {Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic; [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox('Please enter your WEBFISHING path! Please make sure it starts with the drive letter, does NOT end with \', 'Tackle Mod Manager v%currentver% - @uncreativecultist')}" > C:\Users\Public\Downloads\bait.txt
set /p WFDIR=<C:\Users\Public\Downloads\bait.txt
goto verifypath
IF [%1] EQU [] Goto:error
if exist "%WFDIR%\GDWeave\mods" (
goto pass
) else (
md "%WFDIR%\GDWeave\mods"
goto pass
echo DEBUG: Installing mod...
cd "%WFDIR%\GDWeave\mods\"
tar -xf "%~1" -C %WFDIR%\GDWeave\mods
echo DEBUG: Mod has been installed
powershell -Command "& {Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing; $notify = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon; $notify.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::Information; $notify.Visible = $true; $notify.ShowBalloonTip(0, 'Tackle Mod Manager v%currentver% - @uncreativecultist', 'Mod has been installed!', [System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon]::None)}"
echo DEBUG: Incorrect usage, whoopsie daisy!
powershell -Command "& {Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Please drag and drop a mod file onto the bat file to continue!', 'Tackle Mod Manager v%currentver% - @uncreativecultist', 'OK', [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information);}"