652 lines
20 KiB
652 lines
20 KiB
extends CanvasLayer
const MINIGAMES = {
"fishing": preload("res://Scenes/Minigames/Fishing/Fishing.tscn"),
"fishing2": preload("res://Scenes/Minigames/Fishing2/fishing2.tscn"),
"fishing3": preload("res://Scenes/Minigames/Fishing3/fishing3.tscn"),
"shoveling": preload("res://Scenes/Minigames/Shoveling/shoveling.tscn"),
"painting": preload("res://Scenes/HUD/PaintingScreen/painting_screen.tscn"),
"guitar": preload("res://Scenes/Minigames/Guitar/guitar_minigame.tscn"),
"scratch_off": preload("res://Scenes/Minigames/ScratchTicket/scratch_ticket.tscn"),
onready var overlay = $main / in_game
onready var tab_container = $main / menu / TabContainer
onready var esc_menu = $esc_menu
onready var hotbar = $main / in_game / hotbar
onready var gamechat = $main / in_game / gamechat / RichTextLabel
onready var chat_root = $main / in_game / gamechat
onready var chat = $main / in_game / gamechat / LineEdit
onready var ui_anim = $main / ui_anim
onready var backpack_anim = $main / backpack / Viewport / Spatial / backpack / AnimationPlayer
onready var tacklebox_anim = $main / tacklebox / Viewport / Spatial / tacklebox / AnimationPlayer
onready var buttons = $main / menu / buttons
onready var tabs = $main / menu / tabs
onready var build_ui = $main / build_ui
onready var shop = $main / shop
onready var dialogue = $main / dialogue
onready var bait_show = $main / in_game / bait
onready var emote_wheel = $main / emote_wheel
onready var prop_menu = $main / prop_menu
onready var arena_menu = $main / arena_menu
var menu = MENUS.DEFAULT
var prev_menu = MENUS.DEFAULT
var using_chat = false
var interact = false
var popups = []
var player
var current_tab = 0
var shop_id = ""
var int_text = ""
var dialogue_text = []
var show_bait = false
var chat_timer = 0
var chat_local = false
var hud_hidden = false
var interact_timer = 0
var chat_hover = false
var chat_expand = false
var chat_hide = false
var freecamming = false
signal _items_chosen
signal _minigame_finished
signal _player_sit
signal _menu_entered
signal _play_emote
signal _message_sent
signal _freecam_toggle
func _ready():
PlayerData.connect("_hotbar_refresh", self, "_refresh_hotbar")
PlayerData.connect("_bait_update", self, "_bait_refresh")
PlayerData.connect("_force_menu_close", self, "_abort")
Network.connect("_chat_update", self, "_chat_update")
esc_menu.connect("_close", self, "_change_menu", [0])
func _process(delta):
var cash = (str(round(PlayerData.money))).pad_zeros(9)
cash = cash.insert(cash.length() - str(PlayerData.money).length(), "[color=#1a231a]")
$main / menu / Panel4 / cashlabel.bbcode_text = "[center][color=#1a231a]$ [color=#d5aa73]" + cash
bait_show.visible = show_bait
if Rect2(chat_root.rect_global_position, chat_root.rect_size).has_point(chat_root.get_global_mouse_position()) and chat_timer < 30:
chat_timer = 30
if chat_timer > 0: chat_timer -= 1
chat_root.modulate.a = lerp(chat_root.modulate.a, max(0.4, float(chat_timer > 0 or using_chat)), 0.3)
$main / in_game / gamechat / Panel.modulate.a = lerp($main / in_game / gamechat / Panel.modulate.a, float(chat_timer > 0 or using_chat), 0.3)
$main / in_game / gamechat / Panel2.modulate.a = $main / in_game / gamechat / Panel.modulate.a
gamechat.scroll_active = using_chat
if popups == [] and not OptionsMenu.open:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("menu_open"):
if hud_hidden: _show_hud()
else :
if menu == MENUS.DEFAULT: _change_menu(MENUS.BACKPACK)
else : _change_menu(MENUS.DEFAULT)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("esc_menu"):
if hud_hidden: _show_hud()
else :
if menu == MENUS.DEFAULT: _change_menu(MENUS.ESC)
else : _change_menu(MENUS.DEFAULT)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("chat_enter") and menu == MENUS.DEFAULT:
if not using_chat:
using_chat = true
chat.editable = true
chat.selecting_enabled = true
chat.focus_mode = Control.FOCUS_ALL
chat.placeholder_text = "Type to chat!"
else :
chat.text = ""
if not using_chat:
if Input.is_action_just_released("bait_menu"):
if menu == MENUS.DEFAULT: _change_menu(MENUS.BAIT)
else : _change_menu(MENUS.DEFAULT)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("build"):
if menu == MENUS.DEFAULT: _change_menu(MENUS.PROP)
else : _change_menu(MENUS.PROP)
if Input.is_action_just_released("emote_wheel"):
if menu == MENUS.EMOTE: _change_menu(MENUS.DEFAULT)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("emote_wheel"):
if menu == MENUS.DEFAULT: _change_menu(MENUS.EMOTE)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("interact"):
if menu != MENUS.DEFAULT and menu != MENUS.BACKPACK:
if menu == MENUS.BACKPACK:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("tab_next"):
current_tab += 1
if current_tab > 4: current_tab = 0
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("tab_prev"):
current_tab -= 1
if current_tab < 0: current_tab = 4
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("hide_hud"):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("freecam"):
if not is_instance_valid(player): queue_free()
else :
player.busy = menu != MENUS.DEFAULT or using_chat
player.show_local = using_chat and chat_local
$"%new_icon".visible = PlayerData.new_cosmetics.size() > 0
chat_root.anchor_top = lerp(chat_root.anchor_top, 0.66 if not chat_expand else 0.2, 0.2)
chat_root.anchor_left = lerp(chat_root.anchor_left, 0.02 if not chat_hide else - 0.52, 0.2)
chat_root.anchor_right = lerp(chat_root.anchor_right, 0.28 if not chat_hide else - 0.26, 0.2)
$main / in_game / show_chat.visible = chat_hide
$main / in_game / freecamwarning.visible = freecamming
$main / in_game / freecamwarning.modulate.a = 0.6 + (sin(OS.get_ticks_msec() * 0.004) * 0.4)
func _physics_process(delta):
if interact:
interact_timer += 2
elif interact_timer > 0:
if interact_timer > 28: interact_timer = 28
interact_timer -= 2
var frame = floor(interact_timer / 7.0)
if frame > 3: frame = 3 + ceil(sin(OS.get_ticks_msec() * 0.01))
$main / in_game / interact_notif / Label.visible = frame >= 3
$main / in_game / interact_notif / TextureRect.texture.set_current_frame(frame)
$main / in_game / interact_notif.margin_bottom = 12 + sin(OS.get_ticks_msec() * 0.002) * 12
$main / in_game / interact_notif.visible = interact_timer > 0
$main / in_game / interact_notif / Label.text = "[E] " + str(int_text)
func _hide_hud():
if not hud_hidden:
hud_hidden = true
overlay.modulate.a = 0.0
PlayerData._send_notification("press h, tab, or esc to show hud again")
else :
PlayerData.emit_signal("_hide_hud_toggle", hud_hidden)
func _show_hud():
hud_hidden = false
overlay.modulate.a = 1.0
func _change_menu(to):
yield (get_tree(), "idle_frame")
yield (get_tree(), "idle_frame")
prev_menu = menu
if menu == to: to = MENUS.DEFAULT
if menu != to:
var sfx = "menu_a"
match to:
MENUS.DEFAULT: sfx = "menu_b"
if sfx != "": PlayerData.emit_signal("_play_sfx", sfx)
menu = to
if menu == MENUS.BACKPACK: _open_menu(); else : _close_menu()
if menu == MENUS.ESC: _open_esc_menu(); else : _close_esc_menu()
if menu == MENUS.BAIT: _open_bait(); else : _close_bait()
if menu == MENUS.BUILD: build_ui.show(); else : build_ui.hide()
if menu == MENUS.DEFAULT: overlay.show(); else : overlay.hide()
if menu == MENUS.SHOP: shop._open(shop_id); else : shop._close()
if menu == MENUS.DIALOGUE: dialogue._open(dialogue_text); else : dialogue._close()
if menu == MENUS.EMOTE: emote_wheel._open(); else : emote_wheel._close()
if menu == MENUS.PROP: prop_menu._open(); else : prop_menu._close()
if menu == MENUS.ARENA: arena_menu._open(); else : arena_menu._close()
emit_signal("_menu_entered", menu)
var rank_data = PlayerData._get_level_data(PlayerData.badge_level)
$main / menu / Panel3 / badgelabel.text = str(rank_data["title"]) + "\nRANK " + str(PlayerData.badge_level) + "\n" + str(PlayerData.badge_xp) + "/" + str(PlayerData._get_xp_goal(PlayerData.badge_level)) + " xp"
$main / menu / Panel5 / item_display.texture = rank_data["icon"]
func _open_menu():
backpack_anim.play("intro", - 1, 2.0)
$main / menu / tabs / outfit._refresh()
func _close_menu():
if prev_menu == MENUS.BACKPACK:
backpack_anim.play("intro", - 1, - 2.0, true)
func _change_tab(new):
var anim = ["zip", "zip_b", "zip", "zip_b", "zip", "zip_b"][new]
backpack_anim.play(anim, - 1, 2.0)
current_tab = new
for child in buttons.get_children(): child._update(new)
for child in tabs.get_children():
child.visible = child.get_position_in_parent() == new
if child.get_position_in_parent() == new: $"%bplabel".text = child.name
if menu == MENUS.BACKPACK:
PlayerData.emit_signal("_play_sfx", "zip")
func _open_esc_menu():
func _close_esc_menu():
func _open_bait():
tacklebox_anim.play("open", - 1, 2.0)
func _close_bait():
if prev_menu == MENUS.BAIT:
tacklebox_anim.play("open", - 1, - 2.0, true)
func _bait_refresh():
var bait_list = $"%bait_list"
var lure_list = $"%lure_list"
for child in bait_list.get_children(): child.queue_free()
for child in lure_list.get_children(): child.queue_free()
for bait in PlayerData.bait_inv.keys():
if not PlayerData.bait_unlocked.has(bait): continue
var button = Button.new()
button.set_script(preload("res://Scenes/Menus/Main Menu/ui_generic_button.gd"))
button.icon = PlayerData.BAIT_DATA[bait].icon
button.text = PlayerData.BAIT_DATA[bait].name
button.disabled = PlayerData.bait_selected == bait
if bait != "":
button.text = button.text + " x" + str(PlayerData.bait_inv[bait])
if PlayerData.bait_inv[bait] <= 0: button.disabled = true
if PlayerData.bait_selected == bait:
button.text = button.text + " (selected)"
button.expand_icon = true
button.align = Button.ALIGN_LEFT
button.connect("pressed", self, "_change_bait", [bait])
button.connect("mouse_entered", self, "_bait_hover", [bait])
for lure in PlayerData.LURE_DATA.keys():
if not PlayerData.lure_unlocked.has(lure): continue
var button = Button.new()
button.set_script(preload("res://Scenes/Menus/Main Menu/ui_generic_button.gd"))
button.icon = PlayerData.LURE_DATA[lure].icon
button.text = PlayerData.LURE_DATA[lure].name
button.disabled = PlayerData.lure_selected == lure
if PlayerData.lure_selected == lure:
button.text = button.text + " (selected)"
button.expand_icon = true
button.align = Button.ALIGN_LEFT
button.connect("pressed", self, "_change_lure", [lure])
button.connect("mouse_entered", self, "_lure_hover", [lure])
func _change_bait(bait):
PlayerData.bait_selected = bait
func _bait_hover(bait):
var title = PlayerData.BAIT_DATA[bait].name
var desc = PlayerData.BAIT_DATA[bait].desc
$main / bait_menu / Panel3 / bait_info.bbcode_text = "[color=#6a4420]" + title + "[/color]\n" + desc
func _change_lure(lure):
PlayerData.lure_selected = lure
func _lure_hover(lure):
var title = PlayerData.LURE_DATA[lure].name
var desc = PlayerData.LURE_DATA[lure].desc
$main / bait_menu / Panel3 / bait_info.bbcode_text = "[color=#6a4420]" + title + "[/color]\n" + desc
func _item_pressed(item):
func _exit_chat():
chat.focus_mode = Control.FOCUS_NONE
chat.editable = false
chat.selecting_enabled = false
chat.placeholder_text = "ENTER to begin typing..."
using_chat = false
func _refresh_hotbar():
var index = 0
for child in hotbar.get_children():
child.disconnect("pressed", self, "_item_pressed")
if not PlayerData.hotbar.keys().has(index):
index += 1
var item = PlayerData._find_item_code(PlayerData.hotbar[index])
child.connect("pressed", self, "_item_pressed", [item])
index += 1
func _send_message(text):
if text.replace(" ", "") == "": return
var color = Globals.cosmetic_data[PlayerData.cosmetics_equipped["primary_color"]]["file"].main_color
color = color.to_html()
text = text.replace("[", "")
text = text.replace("]", "")
var breakdown = text.split(" ")
var final_text = ""
var spoken_text = ""
var colon = true
var current_effect = "none"
var drunk_chance = 0.0
var drunk_max = 0
if is_instance_valid(player):
drunk_chance = 0.13 * player.drunk_tier
drunk_max = player.drunk_tier
var line_index = 0
for line in breakdown:
if line.begins_with("/"):
match line:
"/me": colon = false
"/wag": PlayerData.emit_signal("_wag_toggle")
elif line.begins_with("["):
else :
var spoken_add = line
for i in drunk_max:
var cont = true
if randf() < drunk_chance and line.length() > 0:
var d_effect = randi() % 5
match d_effect:
0, 1:
var slot = randi() % line.length()
line = line.insert(slot, line[slot])
spoken_add = line
var slot = randi() % line.length()
line = line.insert(slot, "'")
spoken_add = line
var slot = randi() % line.length()
line = line.insert(slot, ",")
spoken_add = line
var slot = randi() % line.length()
spoken_add = line.insert(slot, " -*HICC*- ")
line = line.insert(slot, "[color=#5a755a][font=res://Assets/Themes/main_font_tiny.tres] -*HICC*- [/font][color=#1a231a]")
cont = false
if not cont: break
spoken_text = spoken_text + spoken_add
match current_effect:
"bold": line = "[b]" + line + "[/b]"
final_text = final_text + line
if breakdown.size() - 1 != line_index:
spoken_text = spoken_text + " "
final_text = final_text + " "
line_index += 1
var prefix = ""
var suffix = ""
var endcap = "[color=#1a231a]: "
if not colon:
prefix = "[color=#1a231a]("
suffix = ")"
endcap = "[color=#1a231a] "
var username = Network.STEAM_USERNAME
username = username.replace("[", "")
username = username.replace("]", "")
var final_color = Color(color) * Color(0.95, 0.9, 0.9)
var final = prefix + "[color=#" + str(final_color.to_html()) + "]" + username + endcap + final_text + suffix
if final_text != "": Network._send_message(final, chat_local)
if colon and spoken_text != "": emit_signal("_message_sent", spoken_text)
func _chat_update():
chat_timer = 210
gamechat.bbcode_text = str(Network.GAMECHAT) if not chat_local else str(Network.LOCAL_GAMECHAT)
func _button_message_send():
chat.text = ""
func _request_item_choice(filter_id = [], min_items = 1, max_items = 99, tag_filter = ""):
if popups.has("CHOICE"): return
var ic = preload("res://Scenes/HUD/ItemSelect/item_select.tscn").instance()
ic.tag_filter = tag_filter
ic.filter = filter_id
ic.min_items = min_items
ic.max_items = max_items
ic.connect("_finished", self, "_select_finished")
func _select_finished(items):
emit_signal("_items_chosen", items)
func _on_Button_pressed():
var items = yield (self, "_items_chosen")
print("CHOSEN: ", items)
func _on_inbox__create_letter():
var p = preload("res://Scenes/HUD/Inbox/letter_popup.tscn").instance()
p.hud = self
p.connect("_finished", self, "_letter_finished")
func _letter_finished():
func _on_inbox__read_letter(letter):
var p = preload("res://Scenes/HUD/Inbox/letter_view.tscn").instance()
p.hud = self
p.connect("_finished", self, "_letter_read_finished")
func _letter_read_finished():
func _on_dialogue__finished():
func _open_minigame(minigame, params = {}, difficulty = 1.0):
if not MINIGAMES.keys().has(minigame): return
if popups.has("MINIGAME_" + str(minigame)): return
popups.append("MINIGAME_" + str(minigame))
var m = MINIGAMES[minigame].instance()
m.params = params
m.difficulty = difficulty
var success = yield (m, "_finished")
emit_signal("_minigame_finished", success)
popups.erase("MINIGAME_" + str(minigame))
func _abort():
func _on_Button4_pressed():
func _play_emote(emote_id, emotion):
emit_signal("_play_emote", emote_id, emotion)
func _toggle_chat(extra_arg_0):
chat_local = not extra_arg_0
$"%global_chat".modulate = Color(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) if not extra_arg_0 else Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
$"%local_chat".modulate = Color(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) if extra_arg_0 else Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
func _on_expand_pressed():
chat_expand = not chat_expand
if chat_expand:
$"%expand".icon = preload("res://Assets/Textures/UI/chat_arrow2.png")
else :
$"%expand".icon = preload("res://Assets/Textures/UI/chat_arrow1.png")
func _on_hide_pressed():
chat_hide = true
func _on_show_chat_pressed():
chat_hide = false
func _quest_update():
for child in $"%questbox".get_children():
for quest in PlayerData.current_quests.keys():
if PlayerData.current_quests[quest]["active"]:
var entry = preload("res://Scenes/HUD/QuestEntry/quest_entry.tscn").instance()
func _quest_toggle():
$"%questbox".visible = not $"%questbox".visible
$main / in_game / Label / Button.text = ">" if $"%questbox".visible else "<"
func _on_tent_pressed():
func _on_camera_pressed():
func _on_status_update_timeout():
if not is_instance_valid(player): return
var tier = 0
if player.boost_timer > 0 and player.boost_timer < 3600: tier = 1
elif player.boost_timer > 0: tier = 2
$main / in_game / static_effects / GridContainer / speedboost._setup(tier if player.boost_amt == 1.3 else 0, player.boost_timer)
$main / in_game / static_effects / GridContainer / speedboost_burst._setup(tier if player.boost_amt == 4.0 else 0, player.boost_timer)
tier = 0
if player.catch_drink_timer > 0 and player.catch_drink_timer < 3600: tier = 1
elif player.catch_drink_timer > 0: tier = 2
$main / in_game / static_effects / GridContainer / catchboost._setup(tier if player.catch_drink_tier == 1 else 0, player.catch_drink_timer)
$main / in_game / static_effects / GridContainer / catchboost_big._setup(tier if player.catch_drink_tier == 2 else 0, player.catch_drink_timer)
$main / in_game / static_effects / GridContainer / catchboost_deluxe._setup(tier if player.catch_drink_tier == 3 else 0, player.catch_drink_timer)
tier = 0
if player.drunk_timer > 0 and player.drunk_timer < 3600: tier = 1
elif player.drunk_timer > 0: tier = 2
$main / in_game / static_effects / GridContainer / drunk_tipsy._setup(tier if player.drunk_tier == 1 else 0, player.drunk_timer)
$main / in_game / static_effects / GridContainer / drunk_reg._setup(tier if player.drunk_tier == 2 else 0, player.drunk_timer)
$main / in_game / static_effects / GridContainer / drunk_hammered._setup(tier if player.drunk_tier == 3 else 0, player.drunk_timer)
func _tb_sound_play():
if menu == MENUS.BAIT: GlobalAudio._play_sound("tb_open")
else : GlobalAudio._play_sound("tb_close")